 | Step by Step |
Step One
Prepare application gun. Be sure the plunger is fully retracted (As shown). Open clip in front of gun.
Step Two
Remove one cartridge from package. Slide the cartridge through the front clip. Close the clip by pulling the cartridge up until it clicks.
Step Three
Unpack one acudome mixer.
Remove the cartridge cap by twisting 90 degrees anti-clockwise and pull to separate. Also, the rubber seal may stick to cartridge under the cap, remove seal, pull off slowly. Attach mixer to cartridge by twisting the mixer into the groves on the cartridge 90 degrees clockwise.
Step Four
Hold gun at a 45 degree angle to allow bubbles to rise to the top of cartridge. Hold purge cup at the end of the mixer keeping cartridge pointing upward while pulling trigger to purge about 3ml-5ml of the resin to make sure it’s mixed well. Make sure there are no bubbles. Apply resin to vinyl at a slow comfortable rate. Applying Acudome Fast will cause it to not mix correctly!
Step Five
After 2-3 minutes the resin should flow to the outside edge of your graphic, if not add a couple more drops of resin. If resin still has not flowed to corners you can use your repair tool to push resin slowly to the edge.
Step Six
After leaving the decal for 5 minutes, if there are any bubbles a quick flash with the bubble remover should remove them. Do not leave flame on. Just a quick flash. If bubbles do not come out place repair tool into resin and move around to bring bubble to top surface. Then do another quick flash with the bubble remover. If resin has run off decal. Let resin set for 5-6 minutes. Then with repair tool scrape alongside of decal scraping resin away from decal. The resin will reseal itself. It takes 12 hours to touch, 48 hours to ship putting wax paper between them and if you are applying decals to car, truck or boat let it cure for at least 6 days before applying.
Removing bubbles
Remember removing bubbles only requires one click from your bubble remover....
Hint: If you have some left over resin after your project is complete. Dome some samples to provide to customers who are interested in your domed decals !!! Also, remember to have fun....
